Alessio Santacroce was born in Livorno on August 2, 1971. In 1994 he founded the rock band “La quarta via” with which, in 20 years of activity, he made four albums and as many video clips, carving out a small space in the Italian underground scene. In 2006 he wrote the song “The blood of Africa” which inspired the birth of a humanitarian project aimed at raising funds to be donated to the O.N.G. Anthropos engaged in the construction of schools in South Sudan. In 2007 he released his first noir novel “The imprint of the Iris”, followed by “I Giudici” and “The stones of father cenere”, a noir published by the Literary Sheet that represents the great step towards a global artistic maturity. From May 2012 to December 2014 he edited the Demo & Dischi column in the newspaper Il Tirreno and founded the Livorno Music Awards in collaboration with Dario Serpan. In 2015 he wrote and presented the television format Bending, produced by Percorsi Musicali and broadcast on channel 190 of the digital terrestrial (Mondo Channel-Livornotv). Alessio is also the president for Italy of the O.N.G. Sawa Sawa building a family home in Kenya. Noteworthy are his parallel musical projects such as Cayenna, Holy Hand Grenade and, of course, “La quarta via”.
Il vento che pulisce l’aria
Il Vento che pulisce l’aria è il secondo disco solista del chitarrista-scrittore Alessio Santacroce. Come nel precedente Migras (Ghost record label) , anche in questo lavoro si affrontano tematiche importanti e attuali utilizzando sonorità rock per gridare il proprio dissenso. Registrato al Feeling studio da Jimmy Burrow, l’album vede al suo interno la collaborazione di musicisti stimati dall’autore toscano come Alessandro Isa Ponzuoli alla dodici corde e alla voce, Susy Barsanti al basso, Mattia Salvadori alla batteria e Andrea Cattani alla viola.