Pandemonium Carnival Kristall Radio
2 Novembre 2023I Pandemonium Carnival ospiti telefonici di Kristall Radio all’interno della rubrica Nonsolometal condotta da DJ Simone Anaclerio Skw, stasera a partire dalle 19.00. Per l’occasione la band parlerà del loro ultimo album “Pandemonium Carnival II” e del nuovo live programmato per Sabato 04 Novembre in occasione della Skeleton Night che si terrà presso AR CIrcolo, a Pomezia.
✓ Evento della serata
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☞ Streaming:
☞ Kristall Radio 96.2 FM – Milano
☞ App: Kristallradio, Tune in
☣ Pandemonium Carnival Kristall Radio ☣
Pandemonium Carnival telephone guests of Kristall Radio within the Nonsolometal program hosted by DJ Simone Anaclerio Skw, tonight starting at 7.00 pm. The band will talk about their latest album “Pandemonium Carnival II” and the new live show scheduled for Saturday 4 November, for the Skeleton Night which will be held at AR CIrcolo, in Pomezia [ITA].
✓ Skeleton Night Link FB
✓ Listen the band on the radio
☞ Streaming:
☞ Kristall Radio 96.2 FM – Milano
☞ App: Kristallradio, Tune in