23 Agosto 2024
HOLY SHiRE ON stage STASERA al Brintaal Celtic Folk . Il concerto della band avrà un ingresso inedito creato apposta per loro da parte dei meravigliosi Celtic Knot Pipes & Drums!! .
La band per l’occasione presenterà brani del nuovo album “Invincible”, disponibile in formato fisico, scrivendo direttamente alla band, in digitale via Crashsound e via The Awal – The Orchad – Sony Music.
Tutti i dettagli dell’evento a questo link
☣ HOLY SHiRE – ON Stage ☣
HOLY SHiRE ON stage THIS EVENING at Brintaal Celtic Folk. The band’s concert will have a brand new entrance created especially for them by the wonderful Celtic Knot Pipes & Drums!!.
The band will perform songs from their new album “Invincible” , available in physical format, writing directly to the band, digitally, and in our store, and via The Awal – The Orchad – Sony Music.
Details on the link below