☣ Demonic-eyed – “Demonic-Eyed 5” [Album] ☣

31 Ottobre 2024 By ghostlabelrecord Off

La band Slovacca dei Demonic-eyed pubblica, il nuovo album dal titolo Demonic-Eyed 5″. L’album, preceduto dal singolo “Keď ticho zabíja”, è disponibile in digitale nei principali digital stores, via crashsound e nei nostri store ufficiali.
I Demonic-eyed sono una band metal del cuore dell’Europa, Slovacchia (City- Zvolen). La band suona musica basata su thrash metal e hardcore. Il nome della band deriva dal soprannome Černoboh da un racconto dello scrittore slovacco Juraj Červenák.

☣ Demonic-eyed – “Demonic-Eyed 5” [Album] ☣

Slovakian band Demonic-eyed releases the new album “Demonic-Eyed 5”. The band has already released in digital format, the single “Keď ticho zabíja”. The album, preceded by the single “Keď ticho zabíja”, is available digitally in the main digital stores, via crashsound and in our official stores.
Demonic-eyed, are a metal band from the heart of Europe – Slovakia (City- Zvolen). The band play music based on thrash metal and Hardcore. The name of the band is derived from the nickname Černoboh from a short story by Slovak writer Juraj Červenák.